Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Options to Try for Best Results
Straight to the goal: on the means of dealing with Peyronie’s Disease
The curvature of the penis due to the appearance and proliferation of connective tissue with the appearance of seals with visible curvature of the penis is called Peyronie’s disease. This pathology occurs mainly in adult men, but its cause has not yet been precisely established.
The main problem is the constant increase in fibrous deposits, which can lead not only to a visual defect, but also serious consequences in the form of painful erection, erectile dysfunction, and impaired urination.
Despite the fact that the factors causing the disease are not reliably known, there are enough methods of its therapy, including those that do not require a visit to the clinic.
1) How can you be sure that you have Peyronie’s disease? Diagnostics, symptoms, pictures
Table of Contents
Peyronie’s Disease Symptoms
Everyone knows that early detection of the disease is the key to a speedy recovery with a minimum of suffering. The same applies to this disease.
In order to independently establish a diagnosis, you must do the following:
- stand in front of a mirror and carefully examine the penis in a calm state, if there are no visible changes, proceed to the next manipulation;
- make several movements to bring the penis into an erect state and carefully examine it again from all sides, in the absence of pain and visible curvature, do the following;
- it is necessary to examine the penis with your fingers. This technique is called palpation. To do this, you need to feel the non-erect penis for the presence of seals. Using gentle pressure over the entire surface, starting from the base, moving to the head, explore the internal structures. Normally, there should be no bumps, swelling and dense formations.
If the structure of the penis is homogeneous and there are no painful sensations, then there is no Peyronie’s disease. If, however, an unusual curvature is found (most often the head is directed to the navel even in a calm state), soreness and induration, then the diagnosis is obvious. It remains only to choose an effective method of therapy.
2) What are the options for solving the problem (pills, surgery, using a penis extender)?
Peyronie’s disease treatment options
In fact, men have a lot to choose from, since there are at least three methods that have already been tested by patients and have passed clinical trials. These include special drugs; orthopedic devices and surgery. Each of these methods, like a medal, has two sides and not all can boast of complete safety.
Surgery(before and after pictures)
This radical method involves the excision of protein formations in the penis. It is performed under general anesthesia and involves the use of a conventional scalpel.
What you need to know: the scalpel always excises not only the affected tissue but also part of the healthy ones, in order to avoid relapse. Therefore, if there are a few affected areas, then everything is not so scary.
To imagine what will be left of the penis, with more than 30% of the surface affected – take a cucumber and randomly cut out parts of the surface with a knife, not just making a cut, but sinking the knife towards the center. This is followed by a reconstructive operation, sometimes with skin grafting and postoperative rehabilitation using an extender.
The special composition of the ingredients is able to restore blood circulation in the affected areas and contribute to the gradual resorption of fibrous formations.
What’s important to know: The pills are good enough in the early stages. Unfortunately, they can cause an allergic reaction or disturbance in the work of the gastrointestinal tract with individual intolerance to the components. Some drugs are intended to be injected inside seals. For this, fibrosis is pierced with a needle and medicine is injected with a syringe. The procedure is quite painful and ineffective.
Orthopedic devices – penis extenders
The special penis extenders work on the principle of mechanotransduction. With this device, the user provides a tensile force at the site of fibrosis. As a result, the curvature is corrected due to the formation of new layers of cells at the site of the defect.
It is important to know: this method is used not only as the main one but also as an auxiliary one after a surgical operation. Unlike a surgeon’s scalpel, the penis extender is absolutely safe, as it is based on the physiological response of the body.
3) Which option is right for me? We describe the benefits of Penis traction and the use of an extender
Penis traction as the best Peyronie’s Disease
Penis traction technology is not a novelty; it has been tested in clinical conditions since the second half of the last century. Its essence lies in the fact that:
- using a special device – an extender – a tensile force is created in the place of the protein plaque;
- under the influence of stretching, fibrosis cells rupture;
- the body instantly activates mitosis – the process of cell division at the rupture site;
- the integrity of the seal is violated;
- daily exercise with an extender promotes the gradual resorption of fibrosis.
The main advantages of this method are complete safety and independence of treatment, without humiliating examination procedures and discussions with a doctor.
The best penis extender can be purchased independently. Also, there will be no particular difficulties with the training plan. Moreover, manufacturers release special packages for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease, which, in addition to the device, contains information designed to help fight the disease.
4) Doctor consultation and side effects from conventional medications
Seeing a doctor: a test for the brave
If a man decides to go to the clinic with his problem, then he will have to face the need to undergo a full examination. And this is a question rather not to the doctor himself, but to the protocols for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease, from which the doctor has no right to deviate.
You need to prepare for a detailed conversation about:
- when was the last intercourse, how long it lasted, and what the sensations were;
- how you feel before, during, and after an election;
- how you feel before, during, and after urinating
- when they started having sex and the like.
The patient’s questionnaire contains about a hundred questions of an intimate nature. In addition to palpation of the organ, it is necessary to pass all tests: blood, urine, and ejaculate. And finally, it is imperative to undergo an ultrasound examination of the penis and a puncture (puncture with a needle and sampling of material) from the cells of the seal.
Only after passing all the studies, the doctor will prescribe the treatment. It must be purchased at the pharmacy and taken according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.
Every week, you need to make an appointment with the doctor again to monitor the progress of treatment and, possibly, select a new drug if the prescribed one does not give a tangible result. Such “experiments” on the male body can last for years, which, of course, is not very pleasing to the patient, but it significantly enriches his attending physician.
In addition, pharmaceutical drugs are hormones and artificially synthesized components that are not absorbed by the body to such an extent that a new disease usually develops by the middle of the course. It is associated with the accumulation of insoluble drug components by the liver or kidneys and also requires treatment. So a visit to one doctor provides the patient with a vicious circle.
5) Why does it need to be treated?
Five reasons to take action
If there is no pain or discomfort, is treatment necessary? – this question is asked by most men. But the answer is short enough – yes.
There are five reasons for this that should not be ignored:
- The rapidity of the development of Peyronie’s disease – the fact that today you have found one seal in yourself does not mean that tomorrow it will not increase or multiply over the entire surface.
- Location – fibrosis forms on the walls of cavernous bodies – cavities that are filled with blood during the erection process. If you do not take action, then it clogs up the corpora cavernosa and erectile dysfunction will join Peyronie’s disease.
- Fibrosis can also invade the urethra and interfere with urination. At first, it may be mild discomfort, but with an increase in compaction – disruption of the excretory system.
- The combination of a rapid current and a significant lesion area turns the penis into a foreign body with bumps, bulges.
- Soreness of an erection will eventually lead to the refusal of intercourse.
6) Where to start at some stage we recommend buying a penis extender
The sequence of actions is the key to healing
Peyronie’s disease is not oncology, it is treatable, it is important to choose the right tactics. If symptoms were accidentally discovered, then:
- take action without postponing the problem;
- if in doubt about your own self-examination capabilities, visit a doctor;
- in addition to the examination, the doctor will prescribe a treatment plan;
- you can discuss your choice of therapy method, find out the doctor’s opinion about orthopedic devices for the penis;
- buy an extender;
- after studying all the information – start using it;
- in parallel, use auxiliary methods that accelerate positive results.
7) How does a penis extender work? Routine with Quick Extender Pro
Penis Extender against Peyronie’s disease: the effect
One of the most popular devices in the medical environment is the Quick Extender Pro. Its use is prescribed in the postoperative period to stretch scars and prevent a reduction in the length of the penis. For Peyronie’s disease, the manufacturer produces a special package, Peyronie’s device, which is designed specifically to combat fibrous lumps.
The penis extender is a base and amount, which are connected by rods with a spring mechanism and extenders. The spring mechanism provides force and the extensions will adjust the angle. The extender is attached to the penis with two silicone loops. This is quite convenient, since it distributes the load and, on the one hand, prevents the device from slipping, and, on the other hand, does not create too much squeezing.
The spring mechanism is capable of generating a tensile force. It all depends on which springs are installed. The Peyronie’s device set uses springs with a maximum value of 4000g. This does not mean that such an effect will be applied from the very first training session. The spring mechanism has nuts for adjusting the force, with which the user sets the necessary parameters.
Assembly Tips
In order to test the device in action – assemble the extender and prepare the extension cords (they are included in the package). Adjust the barbell extensions to straighten the penis and point it away from the curvature. At the same time, there should be an itching or tingling sensation at the site of fibrosis.
If you succeed, then you are doing everything right. If you experience pain, increase the length of the bar; if there is no sensation, decrease it. Then use the swivel nut to create tension based on the same sensations. Do not start with maximum performance. This will not speed up the result, but it may cause aversion to the device.
First use
In the instructions, you can see that the course involves wearing the device daily for 4-5 hours or more. But you need to start gradually: go through the adaptation period to get used to the device. Take breaks when needed and put on the device again when you’re ready.
Once you get used to the sensation and gradually increase the time of use, you need to stick to your training regimen. This can be either daily use or 6 times a week. At the same time, do not forget to adjust the length of the rods and the tension force, since the absence of sensations in the place of tension is a signal that this stage has been passed.
This is due to the fact that in the process of training in the place of strong tension, the microbreak is already filled by the body with new cells and the tension force needs to be corrected. Thus, the gradual action of the extender will ensure the correction of the curvature and the resorption of protein formations.
8) Helpful tips for straightening your penis – take vitamin D, exercise, use the Penomet pump
Three additional tools to speed up the therapy process
To reduce the painfulness of the symptoms of Peyronie’s disease, as well as accelerate the success of therapy, you can combine the use of the extender with the following treatments:
- vitamin D – it can be purchased at a pharmacy or special sites, you need to choose the one whose natural origin is beyond doubt. The substance belongs to the group of anti-collagen effects and immunomodulation. It increases the body’s defenses and helps to soften painful seals;
- special massage techniques – jelqing – a method of self-massage with stretching movements. It is optimal to apply it after the extender. Thus, blood circulation in the affected areas will improve, which helps to reduce the size and soften fibrosis;
- use of a hydraulic pump – special models of penis pumps, such as the Penomet, devices that create a vacuum using warm water. The use of such a device is an opportunity to forcibly fill the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood as much as possible and to consolidate the action of the extender. The warm water used to create pressure acts gently on tissues relaxes cavernous bodies and normalizes blood circulation.
9) Conclusions – the safe way is Penis traction, a special package from Quick Extender Pro called Peyronie’s device – a recommended tool
Safe and effective tool: Penis traction technology
If the risk of losing health in the fight against Peyronie’s disease forces us to seek a safe solution to the problem, then devices based on Penis traction technology are the ideal choice.
Extenders do not affect vital organs. They do not require constant visits to the clinic and can be used independently. At the same time, they are no less effective than surgery. But most importantly, they are completely safe.
Some manufacturers offer special packages, for example, the Quick Extender Pro offers a Peyronie’s device kit. Its acquisition is an excellent tool against disease. It contains not only the device itself but also: additional accessories, video instructions, reference materials that will ensure ease and comfort of using the device, as well as a training plan and recommendations to quickly achieve the desired result.
Dr. James C. McCool is an urologist in Texas, USA, and is affiliated with the hospital in the area
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