Premature Ejaculation Medication. What Medicine is the Best?
Take pleasure under control: how to get rid of premature ejaculation
In a man’s life, the degree of superiority is important in everything: career, relationships, personal achievements. The only point where being too fast is inappropriate is sex.
Nevertheless, each member of the stronger sex faced premature ejaculation. It cannot be said unequivocally that this is a pathology that requires treatment, as, for example, it can be caused by excessive overexcitation or prolonged foreplay. But such completion of sexual intercourse does not add self-confidence at all.
Moreover, there is always a chance to fall into the vicious circle of failure syndrome, when one condition is the cause of another: the more cautious a man is about sex, the more likely it is that it will end in complete fiasco. Is it possible to get rid of premature ejaculation and what is needed for this?
1) How does this problem interfere with sex life?
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Why premature ejaculation interferes with the full sexual discharge
Sex cannot be reduced to friction and orgasm. This is a complex system of processes in the body that affects almost all of its systems. The brain, a significant group of muscles, is involved in obtaining a sexual discharge, but the main “conductor” in a male orgasm is the prostate gland.
It is responsible for arousal, hormone secretion, orgasmic contractions. During friction, the prostate, like other pelvic organs, should receive the necessary stimulation. Not only her ability to work and normal activities, but also her health depends on this. In fact, the best massage for the prostate is a powerful contraction of the pelvic floor muscles during orgasm.
Insufficient sexual stimulation of the genital system develops stagnation. They lead to circulatory disorders of the genitals, which, in turn, can cause sexual dysfunction. It is not for nothing that it is widely believed that sex is the basis of a healthy life and sexual longevity. And to maintain your health, you need to minimize the risk of failure in bed, as it plays a significant role in male sexuality.
In addition, too fast sex can cause a breakup with a partner. Since the female body depends on full sexual contact no less than the male. The lack of sufficient vaginal and uterine stimulation that a woman receives during sex also leads to sexual dysfunction and significant sexual dysfunction.
Therefore, we can say that, without taking any action to solve the problem, a man “drives nail after nail” in the coffin of his sexuality, as in this case the “first violin” belongs to a man and his actions depend not only his own but also the health of his partner. in the future.
2) What does medicine say?
Medical facts about premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation can be treated in the clinic.
If you seek medical help, the medical history will show the diagnosis under code F52.4 according to the International Classification of Diseases. The summary of this diagnosis implies the impossibility of monitoring ejaculation to fully stimulate and satisfy both partners during sexual intercourse.
Under medical law, a doctor is not allowed to prescribe treatment to a patient without appropriate examinations. There are many of them for the diagnosis of “premature ejaculation”, as it is necessary to exclude infections, inflammatory processes and congenital pathologies.
Therefore, if a man came only for a prescription to buy a magic pill, then you need to be prepared for the fact that he will need to submit for analysis all the physiological fluids of the body.
And this is only a small part of the manipulations, without which the diagnosis will not be established. So you have to undergo an ultrasound examination of the prostate, Doppler blood flow to the genital system and measurement of the sensitivity of the glans penis.
How to prevent premature ejaculation?
Doctors attribute this problem to sexual dysfunctions that occur outside of pathologies or organic lesions of the body. Simply – to the problems of a psychological nature. Accordingly, they will be treated with drugs that affect mainly the nervous regulation of sexual function.
Special treatment protocols have been developed, from which the practitioner has no right to deviate. And it does not matter that the drug from the pharmacy, although it provides a long erection, slowly kills the male body. After all, the goal has been achieved – the patient no longer complains of premature ejaculation. Of course, because in some cases, after the first “blue pill”, the patient will not complain about anything, as the case ended in death.
3) What are the reasons?
Premature ejaculation causes
Prolonged sexual abstinence is the most common cause of premature ejaculation. It is the most harmless. Since it is worth establishing a normal rhythm of sexual intercourse, the problem will resolve itself. In this case, the violation of the duration of sexual intercourse is one-time and does not require the use of any techniques or tools.
But if the situation repeats itself over and over again, then there may be several reasons.
Features of the structure of the penis
Excessive sensitivity of the nerve endings located on the head of the penis is the cause that most often provokes premature ejaculation. But also include:
- shortened bridle (furrow under the head);
- phimosis – narrowing of the foreskin, which prevents the normal opening of the head during erection;
- curvatures of various origins (both congenital and acquired).
Endocrine disorders
Damage to the endocrine glands can cause premature ejaculation. Most often, men with a diagnosis of diabetes suffer from this problem.
Carcinogenic damage to body systems
In the presence of oncological diseases and tumors of various origins, there are also frequent cases of violation of the duration of sexual stimulation.
The presence of inflammatory processes
This category includes not only chronic cystitis or prostatitis. Damage to the genitourinary system caused by infectious diseases is also one of the causes.
4) Who suffers?
Which of the men is most prone to premature ejaculation?
It is impossible to say unequivocally that the problem of premature ejaculation is the fate of a particular age group. If at a young age the cause of the problem is most often inexperienced, then in more mature – the presence of a number of diseases, for example.
In fact, every man could experience rapid ejaculation at least once, and up to 30% of the male population experience this pathology. There are also those who are at risk, as the problem is provoked by:
- insufficient level of physical activity;
- the sedentary lifestyle associated with professional responsibilities (drivers, programmers);
- excessive level of physical activity, including those associated with steroids (bodybuilders);
- overweight;
- unbalanced diet.
5) Natural remedies – tablets (Prosolution Plus, PrematureX), sprays (VigRx Delay Spray), (VigRx Delay Wipes)
Best products that prevent premature ejaculation
Modern manufacturers of biological products, which are based on components of exclusively natural origin, also offer products that can help men. And, unlike a drugstore, here there is something to choose from as not only tableted drugs but also products of local influence – napkins and sprays are presented.
The general characteristic feature of all these means is the lack of systemic influence on the body and artificially synthesized substances. This ensures safe use and high-quality drugs.
Supplements, that stops premature ejaculation
Manufacturers of biological products have improved production technologies. Since the process uses all the achievements of scientific thought and innovation in the production of plant extracts, which form the basis of modern organic supplements.
Prosolution Plus is a record holder in terms of positive reviews and sales volumes. Manufactured at the facilities of a concern certified for the production of medical drugs, it is a sample of true American quality with a guarantee from the manufacturer.
These tablets contain plant extracts that have been used in the folk medicine of the East and Ayurveda to restore potency:
- anchors – libido stimulator;
- Indian ginseng – normalizes the secretion of nitric oxide, without which the stability of the erection is impossible;
- mukuna – a plant that can affect sexual stamina;
- hygrophila – improves the quality of ejaculate and provides the ability to control the process of ejaculation;
- kurkuligo – restores erectile function.
For the general tone of an organism, the vitamin complex and an extract of a mummy – mineral wax from a large number of nutrients necessary for an organism is included in the structure of the drug.
Premature ejaculation sprays
A small spray bottle, which contains a multi-component substance that can repeatedly “teach” the body to control the situation in bed. The leader in sales in the market segment of such funds is VigRx Delay Spray. He does his job so that a man can fully enjoy sex and a bright orgasm.
The combination of drugs is selected in such a way as to provide a comprehensive solution to the problem:
- stability of an erection due to secretion of nitric oxide – Turner spreading, Peruvian poppy
- restoration of libido – licorice, cinnamon
- endurance improvement – ginseng, ginkgo Biloba, milkweed peony
- positive effect on the activity of the gonads – wild yams;
- decreased sensitivity of nerve endings – benzocaine (a gentle anesthetic).
The popularity of the tool is added not only by its safety and the absence of the need to take it orally but also the ease of use – a single dose, applied 10 minutes before penetration, provides an average increase in the duration of sexual intercourse in 5-6 times.
For those who do not really trust the pills and do not want to carry vials, special wipes with a substance that prevents premature ejaculation have been developed. VigRx Delay Wipes can not only prolong sexual intercourse, but also affect its quality, making an erection stable, and orgasmic contractions the most intense.
It is made in the form of a soft napkin from a nonwoven cloth delivered in neutral packing which compactness allows it to fit even in a purse. All you need is to wrap the head of the penis with a napkin half an hour before sexual intercourse and massage it lightly for better absorption of the active substance.
The medicine is popular among those who are not suitable for anesthetics benzocaine or lidocaine. In VigRx Delay Wipes, its function is performed by yarrow extract, which can affect the sensitivity of peripheral nerve endings. Also for a long full-fledged erection in the drug, there is an extract of peony – a stimulant of sexual endurance.
6) Tips and hints on how to get rid of premature ejaculation:
5 effective tips on how to prevent premature ejaculation
In addition to drugs and various means, a man can also try non-medical ways to prevent premature ejaculation:
- condoms – special models with thickened walls reduce the sensitivity of the penis, are suitable for those who do not have erection problems, the disadvantage is the deterioration of sensations;
- The “start-stop” technique – a tool that requires training, a positive moment – you can train with your partner, place her in a riding position or enjoy oral caresses until you feel the approach of orgasm, then abruptly stop the stimulation, and after a while – Continue again. By repeating such simple manipulations, you can explore your feelings in great detail and learn to control the moment of ejaculation. Disadvantage – positive changes require time and patience in training;
- Taoist secrets of love – a spiritual practice that develops the ability to delay the climax to the full satisfaction of the partner, includes breathing exercises, meditation techniques and requires a lot of time and attention to improve;
- masturbation before a date helps to relieve excessive tension and reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, preferably with prolonged sexual abstinence and no erection problems;
- alcohol – this drug should be treated as a tablet, as even a slight excess of the dose (more than 30 g) can aggravate the situation.
7) How strong is your problem? Statistics
Scary statistics: the spread of the problem
One should not think that the problem of premature ejaculation is the fate of young people and urology patients, sailors and the military who spend a long time outside the home. According to a 2005 study by Prevalence of Premature Ejaculation: A Global and Regional Perspective , more than 30% of the world’s male population is exposed to the problem, regardless of age group.
At the same time, WHO (World Health Organization) cites other figures:
- 75% of men of all ages faced the problem of premature ejaculation;
- 40% of men live with an officially confirmed diagnosis.
These figures are informative only in the case of a confirmed diagnosis. In most cases, many men either reject the problem and ignore any help, or do not consider it a deviation from the norm.
8) What does official medicine say and what drugs does it prescribe?
Medication of premature ejaculation in the clinic
As in the international classifier of diseases, there is a category “premature ejaculation”, at the address to the doctor for the help the man will receive:
- referral for examination to identify the cause;
- direction for laboratory research;
- detailed oral conversation;
- a prescription with a list of medicines to buy at the pharmacy.
And if you do not feel sorry for the money for research, as health is always more expensive, then you need to think seriously about buying drugs from a pharmacy.
First, there is no universal drug that would suit all age groups. The reaction to each drug is strictly individual.
Secondly, the effectiveness of a tool can be identified only experimentally, ie by the method of selection, and the object of the experiment will be the patient’s health.
Third, drugs contain artificially synthesized components that are poorly absorbed (due to this contains high doses of the active substance) or not absorbed by the body at all and accumulate in the systemic excretory organs – the liver and kidneys, provoking the formation of stones.
The most common prescriptions include anesthetics, tranquilizers, and stimulants under the brands SSRI, Zoloft, Paxil, Paroxetine, Prozac, Viagra.
In some cases, the doctor may also suggest surgery to innervate the head of the penis, which is often not a quick solution to the problem, but a huge risk to the patient’s life.
9) The whole truth about Zoloft, Paroxetine, Paxil, Prozac, SSRI, Viagra
Medications from the doctor: do we treat or maim?
Why do these drugs belong to those whose intake is undesirable and often dangerous to health, because the man turned to a specialist for help?
The problem is not only in the current composition but also in the list of side effects of the body, which doctors prefer to keep quiet about for many reasons: some are the organizers of the study of the effectiveness of the drug, others – official distributors, just how “lucky” the patient.
- SSRI – serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antidepressants used to treat anxiety and depression, are used in the treatment of sexual disorders, deficiency – drowsiness, decreased concentration, headaches of various kinds,
- Zoloft – an antidepressant that eliminates the symptoms of depression, is also prescribed for senile dementia, its lack of action on dopamine – the hormone of pleasure, on the one hand, it eliminates anxiety, but on the other – uncontrollably increases blood flow to the heart and kidneys, and inhibits intestinal motility, as a result, the patient, eliminating the problem of premature ejaculation, gets constipation and the risk of dying from hemorrhage,
- Paxil (analog of Paroxetine) – an antidepressant that successfully prevents the recurrence of depression, it should be taken only in the morning, as it can cause sleep disorders, can provoke abnormal bleeding, confusion, transient increase in blood pressure;
- Prozac (fluoxetine) – an antidepressant that is prescribed to patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, with premature ejaculation is designed to eliminate anxiety and compensate for the syndrome of waiting for failure, the disadvantage – can affect blood clotting and platelet capture, provokes;
- Viagra (sildenafil) – a means of potency, developed as a drug to eliminate heart disorders, provides a long erection due to increased blood circulation, a side effect – hemorrhage due to uncontrolled increase in blood pressure, which can also provoke the death of the patient.
As a rule, in the prescription, the patient will see not one drug, but several, as premature ejaculation refers to disorders of behavioral reactions. Therefore, the combination of antidepressants and Viagra can provoke an increase in adverse reactions with serious adverse effects on the body.
10) Conclusions: tablets, wipes, and sprays – work
Sex for pleasure and without risks: everything is possible
Needless to say, life and health are not worth such risks to get sexual relief. But even without it, the full value of health and quality of life is impossible.
Natural products will help to solve this dilemma: biological medicines, sprays, and wipes based on plant extracts treat the body carefully and are able to solve the problem without side effects. To do this, an innovative extraction method is used, which cleans the active substance from harmful impurities.
Thus, the family of male enhancement pills is VigRx Plus. It does not only solve the problem but also takes care that there are no unpleasant consequences from their use. Therefore it is not necessary to wait for the moment of disappearance of unpleasant symptoms, act independently, without risking anything, and enjoy sex, independently controlling its duration!
Dr. James C. McCool is an urologist in Texas, USA, and is affiliated with the hospital in the area
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