GenF20 Plus Before and After Results. Real Customer Reviews 2022
GenF20 – your body’s eternal youth: an overview of the growth hormone stimulant
The development of the human body, starting from the moment the embryo is formed, is inextricably linked with growth hormone – somatotropin or HGH hormone.
It got its generalized name due to the effect on the open zones of bone growth, which causes the linear growth of the child. But his spheres of influence are not limited to this, and the lack of any age becomes a significant problem for health and quality of life.
1) The problem with lack of HGH and how GenF20 solves it
Table of Contents
HGH deficiency: what is dangerous for a mature body
It is a mistake to believe that only the child’s body needs the HGH hormone. Its effect extends to most metabolic and physiological processes. Therefore, the deficit immediately makes itself felt. Lack of HGH is associated with symptoms such as:
- loss of energy and drowsiness;
- unreasonable weight gain and upper-type obesity;
- low tolerance to physical activity;
- increased blood cholesterol levels;
- increased blood and intracranial pressure
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Which are often attributed to the processes associated with age-related changes? Human Growth Hormone deficiency is most dangerous due to the increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases that can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. Such destructive processes cause psychological changes – impaired concentration of attention and memory, depression, increased anxiety.
It cannot be denied that the human body, upon reaching a certain age, reduces the production of growth hormone tenfold. But this is not a reason to put yourself at risk of dying from cardiac arrest, overweight, or depression caused by growth hormone deficiency.
Modern medicine and pharmacology offer several methods for solving the problem of HGH deficiency: from injections of a synthetic analog or a hormone of animal origin to innovative supplements that do not contain the hormone but contain substances that stimulate its production in a natural way, that is, by the body itself. The most effective remedy that can naturally increase the concentration of the HGH hormone in the body is GenF20 Plus.
2) Why this particular product? Its features and benefits review
GenF20 Plus helps to be young and strong
When developing GenF20 Plus, many factors were taken into account that causes destructive changes in the body during the aging process. The main emphasis is placed on compensating for the lack of those amino acids that the body does not produce on its own, but which are involved in the production of growth hormone.
But that’s not all. Manufacturers started from the factors that make a young body different from a mature one – these are:
- Condition of the skin;
- Quality and volume of muscle mass;
- The ratio of adipose tissue and muscle fibers;
- Speed of mental activity;
- State of sexual function and libido.
Acting on the processes of HGH production, the GenF20 Plus supplement is able to radically change the user’s quality of life due to the incredible effect manifested in the combination of the words “body rejuvenation”. That is, the daily intake of a certain dose of GenF20 into the body triggers the “reverse” mechanism for the body:
- The condition of the skin improves, its firmness and elasticity increases;
- The volume of muscle mass increases;
- The amount of subcutaneous fat and internal fat decreases (the so-called “beer belly” is eliminated);
- Psychological problems, anxiety, fatigue are eliminated;
- The concentration of attention increases;
- There are significant changes in sexual function and an increase in libido.
3) How does the GenF20 Plus formula work?
What are the features of the product?
The manufacturer does not make a secret from the formula of the supplement – it is available for review both on the packaging and on the official website. Since the supplement contains many components, they can be conditionally divided into three categories – amino acids, phytoextracts, animal origin substances.
It should be noted that the desired therapeutic effect is impossible from taking anyone component since they are all interconnected and in one way or another contribute to the stimulation of the production of growth hormone by the body itself.
The mechanism of action involves the stimulation of the pituitary gland – the part of the brain responsible for the production of growth hormone and saturation of the body with the necessary set of peptides and amino acids. Also, its action is aimed at activating the activity of the endocrine and immune systems involved in the production of somatotropin and regulation of its concentration.
Unlike common injection therapy, where recombinant growth hormone is injected subcutaneously, GenF20 Plus provides a long-lasting effect and no risk of overdose.
4) List of ingredients and their properties
Combination of GenF20 Plus ingredients
The amino acid complex that is part of the biological product is represented by substances that the human body is not able to produce on its own. But their daily dose ensures full functioning and tones all systems and also has a beneficial effect on homeostasis and metabolism.
L-arginine is the main catalyst
The possibilities of arginine for the human body are expressed in catalyzing the synthesis of protein and somatotropin. A daily dose of 100 mg of this substance can increase blood HGH levels by 300%.
In addition, arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide, which is responsible for the health of the vascular system and blood circulation. Accelerated and full blood circulation promotes better absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste products.
L-glutamine – a metabolic catalyst
The impact of this amino acid is primarily associated with the acceleration of metabolism. At the same time, it is essential for maintaining and increasing muscle mass. Therefore, a sufficient amount of glutamine can prevent age-related changes in the replacement of muscle mass with adipose tissue.
L-glycine – pituitary gland stimulant
As part of the drug, stimulation of the pituitary gland to produce growth hormone is not the only function of glycine. In this context, it is also necessary to take into account the ability of the amino acid to prevent oxidative stress in nerve cells and normalize nervous activity.
L-lysine is an arginine enhancer
The combination of arginine and lysine can increase the effect on the pituitary gland by more than 10 times. This tandem has the same effect on the rate of circulation of nitrogen oxide. Apart from this, lysine also stimulates the immune system. The greatest therapeutic effect is shown against the herpes virus.
L-tyrosine – endocrine system control
Tyrosine is able to independently influence the rate of HGH synthesis. At the same time, this amino acid is the most important component of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
L-ornithine – immune catalyst
The main purpose of ornithine is to stimulate the immune system and prevent negative reactions to stress and exercise.
L-Valine – Muscle Catalyst
Valine is able to catalyze metabolic processes in muscles, accelerate the delivery of the proteins they need and remove decay products. Takes an active part in increasing the body’s endurance.
Astragalus root extract – natural immunomodulator
This phytoextract, produced using deep purification methods, is an active ingredient in preparations for stimulating immunity. By stimulating adequate immune responses, Astragalus is effective in wound healing, asthma, and anti-obesity. Also, its role is significant in normalizing the body’s energy balance and preventing increased fatigue.
Deer antler velvet – an ingredient from Chinese traditional medicine
The powder, made from the outer surface of the horn of a young deer, has been used since ancient times by Chinese medicine men to accelerate the healing process and treat cardiovascular diseases. Modern research has shown that this substance can have a powerful effect on the production of HGH, thus explaining its therapeutic effect against a variety of diseases and the consequences of injuries.
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
This refers to modern nootropics that stimulate nervous activity and metabolic processes in the tissues of the brain. Able to affect the areas of the pituitary gland responsible for the synthesis of HGH.
A multicomponent substance excreted by females in the first hours after delivery. It activates metabolic processes at the cellular level, delivering microelements vital for the body contained in it.
Dried and crushed powder of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland of animal origin has previously been used to treat muscle tone disorders. At the same time, it has been proven that its effect is directly related to the stimulation of HGH synthesis.
Phosphatidylcholine (Choline Lipid)
The element for the restoration of mental activity. Restores intellectual abilities, and also accelerates the delivery of other components of the drug.
A substance required to accelerate the assimilation of the amino acid complex. It also affects glucose levels by lowering glucose levels to naturally increase HGH concentration.
5) Medical reasons
Medical facts about GenF20 Plus
A 2014 study, Effect of GenF20 Plus on serum IGF-1 levels in healthy adults: a randomized controlled study , provides compelling evidence of the drug’s effectiveness.
Prospects for growth hormone as a therapeutic agent
The scientific basis for the effectiveness of HGH is backed by a massive study published in 2016 – Multiple Effects of Growth Hormone in the Body: Is it Really the Hormone for Growth? … The data obtained in the course of the study indicate the whole spectrum of the effect of growth hormone as a therapeutic agent and it is suggested that this substance is promising as the main method of treating various diseases and preventing destructive age-related changes.
Since this amino acid is the active substance of GenF20, it is important to read the results of the 2017 study Effects of l-arginine on growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor on its effect on growth hormone production, which is one of the latest scientific justifications for the effectiveness of arginine as a catalyst. somatotropin synthesis.
6) Benefits for those taking these pills
Treatment Indicators – Benefits of Taking GenF20 Plus
For the layperson, stimulating the production of HGH will be a simple set of difficult words until he feels the clear benefits of taking GenF20 daily, which are as follows:
- In reducing the manifestation of age-related changes on the skin (wrinkles and creases) – by 61% after a full course;
- In increasing emotional stability – by 67%;
- In the restoration of the scalp – by 38%;
- Changes in skin thickness and elasticity – by 67-71%;
- In the loss of fat mass – by 82%;
- In improving the condition of the bone apparatus, flexibility – by 83%;
- In the restoration of sexual function (a menstrual cycle in women and erectile ability in men) – by 62%;
- In improving intellectual abilities – by 61%.
7) Application and advice on diet, lifestyle at the time of admission
Preventive Impact on Age Changes
Scientifically substantiated is the fact that the level of HGH in the body is not constant and depends not only on biorhythms but also on the qualitative composition of the diet, as well as on the level of physical activity.
Therefore, to accelerate the results and consolidate the effect of taking GenF20, it will be advisable to comply with the following recommendations:
- the drug must be taken daily in the morning and in the evening just before meals, drinking 1 tablet with a small amount of water;
- to activate metabolism, it is necessary to connect any type of physical activity that involves three workouts a week for at least one hour;
- the diet must include foods that can also affect the production of somatotropin, these include sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids – low-fat varieties of ocean fish, seafood, as well as pumpkin seeds, peanuts and white chicken meat;
- since alcohol and tobacco smoking inhibits the processes of HGH synthesis, it is necessary to abandon these bad habits;
- sleep should be at least 8 hours with the time of going to bed – no later than 22:00, this is due to the fact that up to 80% of the total amount of HGH is synthesized by the body during sleep.
8) Frequently asked questions
Everything You Need to Know About GenF20 Plus
Is GenF20 a steroid?
No, this is a bioactive drug that does not contain synthetic hormones.
Are there any uncontrolled growth side effects from taking the supplement?
Side effects are excluded, since the drug only activates the synthesis of growth hormone, while overdose or negative reactions from the body are excluded.
Which doctor should I go to for a prescription to order the pills?
It is not necessary. No prescription is required to order GenF20.
How to get GenF20 to be sure of the originality of the supplement?
GenF20 is sold exclusively through the official website.
What is the advantage of GenF20 Plus over similar products?
In the absence of the risk of overdose and adverse reactions, since the concentration of the hormone is purely individual for each organism, the forced administration or intake of the hormone is associated with a significant risk to the patient’s health.
GenF20 Plus does not contain a hormone, but stimulates its synthesis in a natural way, without disturbing the body’s self-regulation processes.
9) What do they say about the product on the Internet?
The efficiency of the formula: customer reviews
There are a lot of reviews from users on the net, whose trust is rightfully deserved by GenF20 Plus. Here are some of them:
Vanessa Still: “I never thought that a small pill would bring back my youthful complexion and former slenderness”;
Ray Adams: “I use GenF20 to maintain potency, I have not experienced such orgasms in more than 10 years. In addition, he noticeably lost weight and became more physically enduring ”;
Valerie Toledo: “I bought the drug with distrust, but the joints quickly returned to normal and the flexibility of the spine was restored”;
Sam Savage: “I used to deny myself physical activity due to rapid fatigue. With GenF20 Plus I can spend hours in the gym and the results are obvious. “
Reviews of trending bloggers are available for regulars on social networks. More real stories with before and after photos can be found on the official website of the drug.
10) Official facts and ordering online – advantages
Benefits of ordering GenF20 Plus on the official website
A visit to the official website is not only an opportunity to get comprehensive information about the composition and dosage regimen of the drug.
Customer reviews
A separate page is dedicated to illustrated user reviews. The manufacturer encourages customers to describe their experience, so the potential customer has the opportunity to familiarize himself with real stories.
Official facts
Also, enough attention is paid to the possibility of acquaintance with the facts, the data of the original research, and the opinions of practicing doctors who recommend GenF20 to their patients.
Benefits of ordering online
A current advantage is the ability to order the drug online – without having to visit a clinic, pharmacy, or long-standing in queues. In addition, if you order the formula on the official website is a 100% guarantee of the originality of the biological product.
11) Conclusions: why is this the most worthy product?
GenF20 Plus – an effective innovation for keeping youth
Physiology provides for a gradual decrease in the level of growth hormone, but for the body and activity, such a process carries destructive changes. To prevent them and to be able to support the body during the period of age-related transformation, it is enough to maintain the natural level of HGH.
This ability is possessed by this supplement – a catalyst for the synthesis of growth hormone, a non-hormonal drug. Its advantages – the absence of the need for preliminary examinations, the use of injection, the risk of overdose, and the occurrence of adverse reactions, make it indispensable for maintaining youth, functionality, and speed of metabolic processes in the body. With GenF20 Plus you can resist age and ensure your health for years to come!
Dr. James C. McCool is an urologist in Texas, USA, and is affiliated with the hospital in the area
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