Best Testosterone Booster Pills, that Work Naturally in 2020
As always remain a man: a review of the best natural testosterone boosters
Testosterone is a male sex hormone produced by the cells of the testes. Its main purpose is to literally make a man out of a boy.
In scientific terms, this sex hormone is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics and the functioning of sexual function in a male individual. Unfortunately, the body is structured in such a way that with the extinction of reproductive function, in the process of age-related changes and aging, the level of sex hormones gradually decreases.
A decrease in testosterone causes – depression, extinction of erectile function, decreased muscle mass, gynecomastia (an increase in the volume of the mammary glands in men), weight gain. And this is not a complete list of disorders caused by a decrease in the production of the male sex hormones, that needs therapy.
1) Why are testosterone boosters needed and how do they work?
Table of Contents
Purpose and general properties of testosterone boosters
To maintain men’s health, pharmacists have developed special biologics – testosterone boosters. It would seem, why pills are needed if you can just make an injection of the hormone or take its synthetic analog. In fact, taking hormonal drugs does more harm.
This is due to the fact that the level of the hormone changes during the day and it is not possible to accurately determine the required dosage. Also, getting into the stomach, the synthetic hormone will certainly pass through the liver, causing significant harm to it in the form of cell destruction.
The natural booster acts in a completely different way. It naturally stimulates the body’s production of sex hormones.
The presence of special components that are responsible for the production of testosterone in the body, allows you to quickly increase the level of the hormone to its normal norm, without affecting the vital organs. Another advantage of the booster is the absence of artificially synthesized substances, the accumulation in the body of which is the cause of serious health disorders.
2) Product Overview: Testogen, Testofuel, Prime Male, Testo Max, Testo Tek: description, specifications, ingredients, results, why you should buy
5 Best Testosterone Boosters Really Work
The pharmaceutical industry offers a significant number of supplements that somehow affect the content and testosterone production. Of the most effective boosters that have already earned the trust of hundreds of thousands of men, the following should be highlighted:
#1. Testogen
This is a multicomponent, vitamin-enriched biological product based on plant extracts. Its effect on the body is not limited to stimulating the production of testosterone. Components can also increase the overall tone of the body, help build muscle, improve libido, and eliminate the effects of nervous disorders. Read the Testogen review.
You should also note the positive effect of the Testogen on cholesterol and blood pressure. Only 4 tablets per day are enough to improve performance and well-being at the end of the first week. The intake regimen provides for a single daily intake of 4 tablets 20 minutes before breakfast for 2 months.
Then you need to take a break. The advantage of the drug is its complete safety for health and the natural effect on the body;
#2. Testofuel
In addition to the vitamin complex, extracts of fenugreek and oysters are also included, which are a natural source of zinc, which stimulates hormonal regulation and helps accelerate the production of sex hormones.
Take 4 capsules per day for at least 2 months. A preventive course is also provided. The manufacturer also provides a guarantee for 90 days, the drug can be returned and receive compensation for the costs of its purchase;
#3. Prime Male
It is a natural testosterone booster designed for men of mature and old age with symptoms of decreased levels of sex hormones. It is able to raise testosterone levels by 29% for 2 months due to the content of the amino acid complex and plant extracts of red ginseng, lemon, and mucuna. Dosage schedule: daily 1 tablet 4 times a day at regular intervals (can be combined with meals);
#4. Testomax
This is a complex supplement, that contains amino acids and phytostimulants – extracts of fenugreek, damiana, leuzea and mackie. In addition to increasing testosterone levels, it helps to build muscle, increase stamina and reduce recovery time after prolonged physical exertion. It is recommended to take it with a protein shake, evenly distributing the daily dose of 6 tablets. The effect is noticeable from the first days of the course;
#5. Testo Tek
Testo Tek – designed to normalize the level of testosterone in the male body, helps to increase muscle mass, and increases libido. Includes 12 ingredients – stimulants of testosterone production and estrogen blockers. It is necessary to take the drug daily 4 times a day before meals. The course is from 3 to 6 months.
3) Write why Testogen is the best
Best of the Best: Benefits of Testogen
The problem of low testosterone is quite common among men of all ages. This contributes to the emergence of a wide range of drugs, both bioactive additives, and medicines designed to eliminate the pathology.
One of the most effective in this direction is Testogen. The advantages of this biological product include:
- 100 days warranty – it is during this period that the user can return the tablets and receive compensation for the funds spent on their purchase;
- bioavailability – this means that all components are quickly absorbed by the body. Such an effect is possible due to the presence of Bioperine – an extract of black pepper, which ensures the delivery of trace elements directly to the cells of the testes;
- increased, in comparison with other drugs, the content of boron – a trace element that can normalize the testosterone content in a short period (for example, Prime Male contains 6 mg of boron chelate, and Testogen – 8 mg);
- plant or natural origin of all ingredients – this item is most important, since synthetic substances are not absorbed by the body, but accumulate in the liver and kidneys, causing negative side effects. Testogen – does not contain artificial and synthetic components and therefore is completely safe for the body;
- nettle leaf extract content – this substance releases testosterone from the SHGB protein, in connection with which it loses its beneficial properties for the body.
4) Describe the relationship of testosterone with male potency
Low testosterone causes and treatments
In fact, testosterone does not have any local effect on the body. There is no system on which its content has not had a definite effect. This applies to the musculoskeletal system, and the distribution of fat mass, and nervous regulation.
But, of course, one of the important details is the effect of testosterone on the sexual function of men. It consists of the following: 5) Describe the basic ingredients of the tablets As a rule, boosters contain three main categories of ingredients: trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, and phytoextracts. The basic components that can be found in each booster include: 6) Talk about all the benefits of increased testosterone Testosterone is a male sex hormone that not only affects the reproductive and sexual function of the male body but also affects all its systems. On the part of the musculoskeletal system – there is an increase in calcium and muscle tissue, as well as a decrease in the content of fat cells. The higher the level of testosterone – the more prominent the muscles of the body. Testosterone has a positive effect on homeostasis and metabolism, significantly accelerating the latter. It also releases a significant amount of energy due to the rapid breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which, in turn, increases endurance, the possibility of prolonged physical exertion, strength training, as well as reducing the time to restore the energy spent on this. An increased level of testosterone in the male body literally “returns the taste of life” to the man, as the consequences of the depressive state are eliminated, nervous regulation improves, and the concentration of attention increases. Also, due to exposure to areas of the brain, sexual interest is significantly increased. 7) What foods can naturally increase testosterone levels Of course, it is important for any person to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. You can also include in the diet those products that are able to beneficially affect the level of testosterone. These include: 8) Why is it more effective to take pills than try to use products in the diet On the one hand, it would seem – it’s enough to establish a healthy diet consisting of products that help increase testosterone levels and you can do without additional medications. But it’s not so simple. Firstly, a healthy diet is meat dishes no more than 2 times a week, and secondly, in addition to nutrients, vegetables contain a significant amount of fiber, which causes upset and fermented in the stomach. In addition, the nutritional value of food products tends to decrease. This is caused by the use of aggressive agricultural chemistry to increase productivity. Therefore, do not “reinvent the wheel” and put the gastrointestinal tract at risk. Moreover, boosters are absolutely safe for men’s health and the body as a whole, as they do not contain synthetic ingredients that can harm the user’s life or health. 9) What are the causes of problems with testosterone in men? The main reasons for lowering testosterone levels can be divided into the following categories: 10) How do you know if you have a low testosterone problem? A man whose testosterone level is closer to critical and tends to constantly decrease will notice the manifestation of symptoms such as: If one or more symptoms make themselves felt, do not delay the solution to the problem. After all, the sooner you start taking biologics, the faster your health and body functions will be restored. 11) Research on the topic A study of Czech andrologists Testosterone and Mortality , published in 2016, contains evidence that increasing testosterone levels not only eliminates the symptoms of cardiovascular disease but also increases life expectancy. Clinical trials conducted in 2010 are published in the article “ Effects of Testosterone Supplementation on Depressive Symptoms and Sexual Dysfunction in Hypogonadal Men With the Metabolic Syndrome ”. The results indicate that an increase in testosterone levels among the group of subjects contributed to a significant decrease in the symptoms of premature aging of the male body, an increase in libido and fertility. Also, a significant positive effect was noted in the field of eliminating the symptoms of a depressive state. The effect of testosterone as one of the drugs for replacement therapy for cancer of the prostate is described in the 2019 study The Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on the Prostate: A Clinical Perspective . While this is only an innovation, but there is already a number of undeniable evidence of the effectiveness of increasing testosterone levels against oncology of the male genital organs. 12) Frequently Asked Questions If uncontrolled injections of testosterone obtained from the sex glands of cattle, then there is a risk of pathological changes. Testosterone boosters act differently – they stimulate the production of the hormone in a natural way, without harm to health, and do not cause hypertrophy of the gonads. Although there is no harm from the intake of boosters, their regular intake is not recommended by the manufacturer. This is due to the fact that the body gets used to the dosage and the reaction is no longer as active as at the beginning of therapy. Therefore, it is better to take boosters in courses, following the instructions for a particular biological product (usually from 2 to 6 months). No, boosters do not belong to medications, so you can purchase them yourself. If you suffer from systemic diseases, it is recommended to warn your doctor about your decision. Everyone over 18 years old. Adolescents from 13 to 18 years of age are contraindicated in boosters. This is due to the instability of the hormonal background at this age and is not related to the components of the drug. The content of stimulating the production of sex hormones components does not adversely affect the psyche and sleep. This is due to the lack of psychotropic substances and caffeine in boosters. On the contrary, the presence of magnesium is effectively taken with depressive mental disorders and contributes to the normalization of sleep and rest. 13) Conclusions A decrease in the level of testosterone in the male body, regardless of the reasons, can deprive male health, as well as turn a man full of strength into a decrepit old man. So that this does not happen, and the man remains strong and attractive as long as possible – it is necessary to act now. Moreover, the solution developed by leading pharmacists in collaboration with homeopaths, in the form of testosterone boosters, can eliminate the unpleasant consequences of a pathological decrease in the level of sex hormone in 3-4 weeks. The booster activates the production of testosterone, saturates the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, and stimulates vitality. The result of his intake is an attractive body, relief muscles, but most importantly – increased sexual interest and stable erection. A testosterone booster is a quick and reliable solution to men’s problems with a guarantee from manufacturers. Dr. James C. McCool is an urologist in Texas, USA, and is affiliated with the hospital in the area
Properties of the main components of testosterone boosters
Benefits of Increasing Male Testosterone Levels
Is it possible to increase testosterone with food?
Food and boosters: what really provides a therapeutic effect
Reasons for lower testosterone in men of different ages
Determine the level of sex hormone yourself
Medical Facts: A Survey of Key Research
Myths about testosterone and boosters
Can an increase in testosterone harm the body?
Do I need to take boosters all the time?
Do I need to go to a doctor to get a booster?
What age men can take testosterone boosters?
Boosters contain stimulants, can they affect sleep quality?
A booster is a powerful weapon to restore men’s health
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